Live your dream
I'm going to be honest with this blog this is my very first one and I don't even know if I'm doing it right but oh well we have to learn and why not just go for it so here goes nothing.
Inspire means to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something. Inspire not just the young but others along the way. My husband inspired me to take that leap and I inspired him. It was a very big step for both of us but here we are still doing the thing and growing each day! We never know until you try so we say go for it you have to start somewhere. Inspiring has been a big part of my life here recently with inspiring coworkers to teaching/inspiring kids once a week during art class this year. That's why TAlleynted Creations is so important to me. I get to Inspire everyday though art not just though my small business but also though young minds at home. TAlleytned Creations has been a blessing to me and just looking back at the beginning wow just wow I just can't believe it is so unreal how far I've came and continue to grow.